Wills, Powers of Attorney & Estate Management

Wills, Power of Attorney & Estate Management are important steps to ensure your future is secure.

Wills & Powers of Attorney

There has never been a better time than now to start your succession planning.  Whether you are buying your first home, travelling overseas, having a baby or downsizing in retirement it is important that you have a Will and Enduring Power of Attorney.

A Will allows you to decide who will receive your assets when you die.  If you do not make a Will then your assets will be distributed in accordance with a set government formula. If this happens and you die intestate (without a will) then those you want to receive your assets may not. Also your beneficiaries might be slugged with unexpected public trustee expenses that can be avoided with a properly prepared will.

We will secure your will for no charge at our office. We can assist your loved ones when the time comes to cost effectively distribute your estate in line with your wishes. We will advise your executors on all their options including if possible avoiding having to apply for probate in the Supreme Court if thus saving your estate money. If probate is required we will do so in a timely manner including providing up front notice of costs.

Don’t think you need a Power of Attorney? – Think again.  Do you have a bank account, own assets?  Then it is important that you have a Power of Attorney to ensure these assets can be looked after if you are unable to do so yourself.

Who do you want to make health decisions for you if you cannot make them yourself?  Without an Enduring Power of Attorney then these decisions could be made by someone who you do not want making them.

wills power of attorney suthers george maryborough hervey bay

Short on time?

Listen to our list of services and how we can help you with your legal estate needs.

wills power of attorney suthers george maryborough hervey bay family on beach

Wills & Enduring Power of Attorney Fees

Standard Will

Single Person

$495 each or $990 together

$220 per person

Enduring Power of Attorney

Single Person

$300 per person

$220 per person

Standard Will & Enduring Power of Attorney

Single Person

$735 per person

$400 per person

Advance Health Directive

Single Person


Testamentary Trust Wills

From $1,600 per person

Revocation of Enduring Power of Attorney

$165 per person

The first consultation for Wills and Enduring Powers of Attorney is free.
* Pricing for seniors is only available to holders of a Seniors Card. Suthers George no longer offers Seniors a discount for couples.

estate management suthers george maryborough lawyers

Estate Administration

Estate administration involves gathering information about the deceased’s assets and liabilities, paying those debts and then distributing to beneficiaries.  Unfortunately, estates are not always that simple.

Suthers George has taken a keen interest in this area and we can assist you at what is a very distressful and emotional time.  No matter how big or small the estate is we have the expertise and compassion to help you through this difficult time.

We can assist with obtaining a Grant of Probate, transferring properties and liaising with banks, superannuation funds and share companies.  We can take the stress away by handling as much or as little of the administration of estate as you require us to.  We understand the associated costs of losing a loved one and we can manage the estate in a cost effective way.

Contact Suthers George today to arrange an appointment to discuss how we can help you.